The European Commission is calling all aquariums to join a global awareness raising action about marine litter.
Marine pollution is one of the key topics of the Our Ocean Conference.
Every year millions of tons of litter end up in the ocean. It is estimated that by 2050 our seas could contain more plastic than fish.
Aquariums are ideal partners to showcase this growing problem and to engage thousands of people, by presenting practical solutions.
We are calling on aquariums to give their visitors a very vivid idea of how serious the issue is and what each of us can do about it. Any creative approach is welcome.
Participating aquariums are provided with written material, giving key facts on the issue and proposing actions to citizens to prevent and fight against marine litter.
This action was officially launched by EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella on Thursday 27 July at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme Erik Solheim, and World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) CEO Doug Cress.
The following aquariums have already enthusiastically confirmed their participation (exhaustive list per country available at the bottom of this page):










- Argentina:
- Fundación Mundo Marino
- Fundación Teimaken
- Austria:
- Haus des Meeres (Vienna)
- Brasil:
- Ubatuba Aquarium
- Belgium:
- Zoo Antwerpen
- Pairi Daiza
- Canada:
- Vancouver Aquarium
- China:
- Ocean Park (Hong Kong)
- Beijing aquarium
- Croatia:
- Aquarium Pula
- Aquatika
- Denmark:
- Den Blå Planet
- Nordsøen Oceanarium
- France:
- Aquarium of Trégastel
- Océanopolis (Brest)
- Seaquarium (Montpellier)
- Océarium (Croisic)
- La Rochelle Aquarium
- Sea Life Paris
- Aquacaux
- Nausicaa
- Grand Aquarium de Touraine
- Aquarium des Lagons (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
- Aquarium Tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée (Paris)
- Aquarium de la Guadeloupe
- Aquarium de La Réunion
- Maréis
- Paul Ricard (Ile Les Embiez)
- Aquarium de Paris
- Aquarium de Banyuls-sur-mer
- Grand Aquarium de Saint-Malo
- Germany:
- Hellabrunn Zoo (Munich)
- Tropen-Aquarium Hagenbeck (Hamburg)
- Duisburg Zoo
- Bochum
- Berlin
- Zoo am Meer (Bremerhaven)
- Ozeaneum (Stralsund)
- Greece:
- Cretaquarium
- Ireland:
- Galway Atlantaquaria
- Dingle Oceanworld
- Italy:
- Aquarium of Sardinia
- Genoa
- Japan:
- Aquamarine Fukushima
- Enoshima Aquarium
- Lithuania:
- Lithuanian Sea Museum
- Malta:
- Malta National Aquarium
- Monaco:
- Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
- Netherlands:
- Bluereef Zeeland
- Zee Aquarium
- Norway:
- Bergen Aquarium
- Peru:
- Zoo Mundo Arequipa
- Poland:
- Gdynia Aquarium
- Portugal:
- Oceanário de Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Aquário de Porto Pim
- Aquário Vasco da Gama
- Russia:
- Moskvarium
- St. Petersburg Oceanarium
- Saudi Arabia:
- Fakieh Aquarium
- Slovenia:
- Akvarij Piran
- South Africa :
- Two Oceans Aquarium (Cape Town)
- Spain:
- Madrid
- Barcelona
- Zaragoza
- San Sebastián
- Valencia
- Santander
- Loro Parque Aquarium
- Cosmo Caixa Barcelona
- Museo do Mar de Galicia
- Acuario de Sevilla
- Selwo Marine
- Sweden:
- Gothenburg Maritime Museum and Aquarium
- Tunisia:
- Musée Océanographique de Salammbô "Dar el Hout"
- Turkey:
- Ocean Aquarium
- United Kingdom:
- The Deep (Hull)
- Lake District Coast Aquarium
- Bristol Zoo
- Skegness Aquarium
- Five Sisters Zoo
- Lakes Aquarium
- The National Marine Aquarium (Plymouth)
- Deep Sea World (Edinburgh)
- Blair Drummond (Scotland)
- Living Coasts (Torquay)
- Oceanarium (Bournemouth)
- Bluereef Aquarium (Newquay)
- Bluereef Aquarium (Tynemouth)
- Bluereef Aquarium (Hastings)
- Bluereef Aquarium (Portsmouth)
- Blue Planet Aquarium
- Bristol Aquarium
- Exploris Aquarium
- Anglesey Sea Zoo
- Sea Life Trust
- USA:
- Georgia Aquarium
- National Aquarium (Baltimore)
- Shedd Aquarium (Chicago)
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Vietnam:
- Museum of Oceanography in Nha Trang
For more information, please contact: [email protected]